By: Julius Topohozin
The business world has experienced a significant shift and so must every startup business follow. Now that you have a business, remaining in business should be one of your top priorities. How can you achieve this if you are still transacting business using the old method?
Here are seven business strategies you can adopt as a startup.
1. Have a Clearly Defined Business Goal
To excel as a business owner even as a startup, you must have a clearly defined business goal. What is your business all about? What is the demography your business will cater to?
All these questions must be satisfactorily answered for you to excel. The reason is not far-fetched. If you don’t have a clearly defined business focus, you will take on every business that comes your way and when you do this, you end up shooting yourself in the leg because you may not have built competence in that area.
2. Make Customer Satisfaction Your Priority
The loyalty of a customer is earned when you over-deliver. There is nothing more injurious to a startup business or any business at all than a dissatisfied customer.
If you fail to deliver on your promise to your customers, you are inadvertently kissing your business goodbye. What makes a business go down is one dissatisfied customer.
Just as a satisfied customer can help you spread the gospel of your business, imagine what a dissatisfied customer will do.
3. Be A Responsive Business Owner
No customer will like to waste his or her time with a business owner that is not responsive. Technology has made life easier. As a startup, you need to move with the trend. There are so many social apps that have built-in autoresponders that will help you keep tabs on any visitor to your site.
Most especially those who need more information about your line of business.
4. Don’t Compromise On Your Business Principles
A lot of businesses have met Waterloo because they compromised on their business principles. As a startup business owner, your business principles should be like your very life; you don’t want to toy with it, not even when there’s a promise of largesse.
Irrespective of what the other party is promising, don’t renege on your business principles.
5. Be Responsive To Customer’s Feedback
Your customers are the lifeblood of your business and anything that affects them will automatically affect your business. Do not turn deaf ears to your customers’ feedback.
In should always request feedback from your customers because it will help identify your shortcomings so that you can improve on them.
6. Advertise your brand
You may have a good business that is rendering merit worth services but when you don’t put out a word to the public about your business, you will be like a melodious voice singing in the dark.
To this end, you need to publicize your business. It is okay if you don’t have the means to engage the services of advertising agencies but you have the different social media apps within your reach. Make use of those.
Remember, what the eyes see and the ears hear constantly is what will register in the brain. When you make your brand visible to all, there is no limit to the number of customers you will attract.
7. Learn From The Mistakes Of Other Businesses
As a startup business owner, you will do well to avoid the pitfalls that other business owners have been plagued by. Researching businesses that are no longer functioning is a good way to avoid making the same mistakes they made.
Find out what led to their liquidation and then try to avoid them. Bus illnesses that have been standing strong over the years are keeping to these seven strategies and even more.
So, if you want to survive the business crunch of the present time, you will do well to adopt these strategies in your business.