5 Ways To Become The Best In Your Field

5 Ways To Become The Best In Your Field

Ever wondered how people who are best in their field have similar traits and back stories? Whether it’s the CEO of Apple or the founder of Microsoft, what is common with them is that they refused to give up on their beliefs and constantly reinvented until they...
7 Business Strategies for New Startups

7 Business Strategies for New Startups

By: Julius Topohozin The business world has experienced a significant shift and so must every startup business follow. Now that you have a business, remaining in business should be one of your top priorities. How can you achieve this if you are still transacting...
4 Ways to Know It’s Time to Try Something Different

4 Ways to Know It’s Time to Try Something Different

How do you determine when it’s time to take a different direction on something that’s not working? If you’re constantly avoiding working on a certain project or your passion and patience for the topic are gone, it’s best to use your time and talents...
How to Create a Master Plan for Your Life

How to Create a Master Plan for Your Life

Wouldn’t you prefer a life of productivity rather than a life of endless tasks with little accomplishment? Of course! When you carefully set your goals and keep them at the forefront of your mind, you can work smarter instead of longer. You’ll know that a...